Occasionally I find a file stuck preparing in the Synology Drive Client. It’s happened a few times, so I figured there may be a few people out there having the same problem. Here are the steps to fix it.
First Step.
First take note of the file that is stuck preparing. For the purpose of this tutorial the file stuck preparing will be “abc123”. Because Synology Drive Client doesn’t provide any information about this file, you will have to find it first.
If The File Or Folder Exists And You Can Find Or Know Where It Is Located.
Simply delete the file if it’s not needed. If the file is needed, make a copy and delete the original. Then rename the copy to match the original name.
If You Do Not Know Where Or Can Not Find Where The File Or Folder Causing The Issue Is Located.
Synology Drive will not give you any information about where the stuck file is. You’re going to have to find it on your own, if you don’t know where it is.
- Find this entry in the daemon.log log file, which resides in the C:\Users\”name of user”\AppData\Local\SynologyDrive\log folder.
- Open the daemon.log in notepad, then press ctrl f.
- A find or search bar will appear. Type the name of the file you took note of in the “First Step” (in this case “abc123”) then find the entry in daemon.log.
- In the log entry you will find where the file resides or should reside if it actually exists. If it exists then follow the steps in “If The File Or Folder Exists And You Can Find Or Know Where It Is Located”. If the file doesn’t exist then go to the next step.
- If the file doesn’t exist, then you’re going to have to recreate it – the file if it is missing and the directory if that’s missing too.
- Recreate the directory if needed, then the file to match exactly whats in the log.
- You really only have to put a file in the directory with the same name as the one you took note of that is stuck. For example right click in the directory where the file is suppose to be and select to create a new text file.
- Name it the same name as the stuck file then change the extension to match the stuck file too. Fro example if the file was named abc123.doc then create a text file and rename from it “New Text Document.txt” to “abc123.doc”.
- The sync should continue now. Once the sync is done you can delete the file and folder you created.
I hope this helps.